
History Department

  • The department of History is a part of the Faculty of the Human and Social Sciences at Jean
    Monnet University. Bachelor’s degree is accessible to all high school students, in particular those
    who are curious and open minded, who like reading, writing and sharing their discoveries.

  • Typically, French universities distinguish between four periods:
  • Ancient History: from the invention of writing to the 5th century AD ;
  • Middle Age History: from the 5th century AD to the 15th century ;
  • Modern History: from the 16th century to the 18th century;
  • Contemporary History: from the 19th century to present.
  • Bachelor’s degree studies have retained a focus about these four periods knowing that during your
    studies towards your bachelor degree, it is possible to select courses (optional courses) that cover
    common topic from the previously mentioned periods.


  • The Bachelor’s degree in History allows students to acquire good general knowledge and historical
    culture, as well as the ability to analyze and interpret facts, texts and information. The training also
    aims to bring:
  • A solid technical and disciplinary methodologies: ability to work independently, seek for
    information, analyze and summarize information, interpret and share results.
  • Open doors to other human sciences which allow reorientations especially in the 1st year
  • Transversal teachings: foreign language, use of TICE, office automation software and general
    knowledge especially in art.
  • An aid to build your own academic carrier completed by the implementation of a personalized
    project with an internship during the 3rd year.
  • Bachelor's degree graduates can continue their studies at Saint-Etienne in the department of History
    to pursue:



  • In teaching and education, culture, libraries and heritage, territorial development fields. This
    formation also opens to public services examination) and to research (NCSR, Development Research
    Institute) particularly with a PhD.

  • Some careers: Teacher, Educational Advisor, research engineers, research analysts/project leaders,
    experts working for consulting firms, professionals working in expert and/or managerial roles for
    such international institutions as UNESCO or ICOMOS), project leaders for cultural institutions in
    such fields as communication or cultural patronage, curators or curatorial assistants in museums,
    directors and assistant directors of various cultural institutions, cultural heritage managers , collection
    managers, heritage managers, legacy system specialists



  • Robert BELOT
  • Jean François BRUN
  • Philippe CASTAGNETTI
  • Michel DEPEYRE
  • Manuel DE SOUZA
  • Sylvain EXCOFFON
  • Sébastien FRAY
  • Nathalie GAGNAL
  • Serge PAQUIER
  • Thierry PECOUT
  • Philippe RODRIGUEZ