Department of Sociology
- Sociology is a sciencewhich tries to understand and explainthe impactsof the various social aspectson
human representation of thought and human behaviour.It encompasses diverse research topics, that
iswhy sociologists are queriesabout work, family, media, relations, social networks, male and female
relations, status and duties, religions, or culture and ethnicity. - The teaching of sociology in Saint-Etienne, comprisingboth theory and practice, allows the
acquisition of knowledge in terms of social analysis and survey. It is strongly opento the methods of
personal workthrough the organization of courses (work in small groups, internships), learning of
writing and reading techniques, and by the use of new communication techniques. Furthermore,
teachers give priority to fieldwork. - The aim is to develop a fundamental and comprehensive knowledge of the analysis and survey
tools whichmake the understanding of the social phenomenaeasier.
- Since 2005, this educational platformhas provided various teaching programs that include:
- A three years Bachelor’s degree in Sociology;
- A Professional degree entitled «social intervention: social managing team partner for charity
and economic development » - Beyond the Bachelor degree, it is possible to continue the higher education in Master studies:
- Master degree in Sociology, Formes et outils de l'enquête en sciences sociales
(FOULE)[ Category and Tools of the Survey in Social Sciences( CTSSS ) ] - Master degree in Social Development and Intervention, specialty in Territorial
development and social politics (TDSP) - continuous initial curriculum.
In addition, all Human Sciences Masters in general.
- At the end of the different Master’s disciplines, 97% of students succeed in enteringthe
professional life (most often through a competition and/or acquire proof of previous experience:
- ... focused on the research activity: research analysts/project leadersin public or private institutions
(observatories, survey offices and agencies, research centers). - ... focused on the application of the sociological knowledge: there are plenty of
opportunities,particularly in organizations that compose of local, cultural, social and sanitary action field,
and social and charity economy. They alsoexist around expertise in work organisation and human resources. - Or towards further studies in PhD: at the end of the Master’s degree, students in thedepartmentof
Sociology canwork towards theirdissertation can pursue a PhD, which allows them to work in one hand, as a
researcher at the University or as a researcher in chief research institutions (NSRC, RID, ARNI), on the
other hand (as in case of CIFRE thesis) in applied research, coordination of projects or technical advice
within public or private organisations.
- BELKIS Dominique
- MAHI lara
- PICHON Pascale